What would the world look like if we learned from what went right?

The Dutch are mostly focused on the things we aren’t able to do yet and on the mistakes we make, as is the case in most other countries as well. It starts at school: an A-grade is hardly worth discussing at all, but get one “D” and the parents will be summoned for an extra parent-teacher-meeting. In business, not everyone has to be good at everything. In fact: often companies with a few A’s are quite popular. Even if they also score some failures. Think of the success of IKEA. Most people have mixed feelings about this store. At the same time almost everyone owns a Billy.

I always enjoy seeing what happens when I get to a customer not to focus on what goes wrong, but on what is going well. And to strengthen these qualities with them. Step one is to recognize the successes and celebrate them in case this has not yet happened. Step two is to ask them: Why did this go so well? What was the reason for it? What made it succeed?
These are typical questions we ask when something goes wrong, and they are even more valuable when things go well. For now you can expand the success. Because often there are underlying strengths, which you can employ much broader.

I recently came across the following example, working with one of my clients:

It is an organization of +/- 70 people. And these people always have lots of fun together. Even in very serious moments and even when people from outside the organization are present. You might see that as a mask, as a way to laugh off things or to beat around the bush.

However, they found that although they have a lot of humor, they also all have excellent content knowledge. And precisely because of this knowledge, they deliver very good quality for their customers time after time . And therefore there is room to also have fun, which is not a luxury in care, their field of work. A field where the situation of your customers is simply not enjoyable and sometimes poignant. Humor can work healing in this case. And a combination of humor and content, turns out to be a great power for this organization.

The nice bonus is that focusing on what is good, also brings a very good energy. Everyone gets easily motivated to further improve strong points and make them even stronger. And it is not a problem if there’s a weak spot in some insignificant place.

I’m curious about your views on this. And if you have further improved a strength?

For maximum results: keep it simple and fun,

Wil Konings 

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